Vessel commentary on the book of esther

Esther is read during the purim feast on 14th and 15th adar februarymarch. Esther is a tale of tales, it reveals the worldly grandeur v s core values. On the mystical level king achashverosh alludes to gd, the king of the world. Esther the niv application commentary kindle edition. Addition a has mordecai inform the king directly, whereas in 2. Esther is the last of the historical books of the bible, so its main character is named esther that is, venus, the morning star, which sheds its light after all the others stars have ceased to shine, and while the sun still delays to rise. He took esther as the new persian queen, not knowing she was an israelite. Queen esther came to the throne for just such a time 4. Thus the deeds of queen esther cast a ray of light forward into israels history from a dark time.

Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading esther the niv application commentary. Esther 2 chapter 1 several things in this chapter itself are very instructive and of great use. The book of esther has been preserved in ancient texts that diverge greatly from each other. Read esther commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. Esther the niv application commentary kindle edition by jobes, karen h download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Jon levenson capably guides readers through both versions, demonstrating their coherence and their differences. Overview of the book of esther third millennium ministries. Xerxes, the persian king, rejected his wife queen vashti, and fell in love with esther at a beauty contest. The purpose of the book god shows his provision for his. Ahasuerusit is now generally agreed among learned men that the ahasuerus mentioned in this episode is the xerxes who figures in grecian history.

The book of esther begins with the queen of king ahasuerusvashtisnubbing the kings request to meet with her. Account of mordecai and his cousin esther, esther 2. Title esther serves as the title without variation through the ages. Now he needs to pick a new queen and eventually manages to select esthera comely, young secretly jewish woman who is a part of his harem. The book of esther says mordechai was exiled from judah with king jeconiah. Esther isnt too graphic, but any book that prominently features a massacre in this case, both a failed one and a successful one is obviously going to be something more than pg rated.

Several things in this chapter itself are very instructive and of great use. The literary technique of foreshadowing is also employed in the book of esther. The book belongs to the socalled five scrolls hebr. Indeed, the book of esther implies that it was no sin at all, even desirable and necessary.

The illfate of the book of estherthe greek versionthe apocr. As queen, esther hides her religious identity and maintains her jewish practices keeping kosher and observing the laws of shabbat and family purity in secret. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. Thus, the deeds of queen esther cast a ray of light forward into israels history from a dark time. The book of esther excels at violence75,000 people get killed in the provinces and a guy gets hanged to death on a really big gallows. It relates the story of a hebrew woman in persia, born as hadassah but known as esther, who becomes queen of. Mordecai learned of a plot to kill the king and made it known to esther who passed the news to the king. We are shown a persian emperor, ahasuerus loosely based on xerxes, 485464 b. The introductory essay provides a good overview of the book of esther a summary of the plot, an analysis of the books structure and themes, and a discussion of the historicity and origins of the various.

The counsellors advise that a selection of virgins should be made throughout the empire, out of whom the king should choose one to be queen in place of vashti, esther 2. The book of esther records the institution of the feast of purim and the obligation of its perpetual observation. Our positions can be located using god s positioning system in this story. Esther bible study chapter 2 the preperation for the king. It was wicked haman who used dice to set a date for the extermination of the jews from the persian empire on the thirteenth of adar. The book of esther was likely written between 460 and 350 b. Esthers repeated receiving of and desire for favor esther 2. The book of esther, also known in hebrew as the scroll megillah, is a book in the third section ketuvim, writings of the jewish tanakh the hebrew bible and in the christian old testament.

The book of esther tells a story of the deliverance of the jewish people. God delivered the jews from the destruction of the plot. Commentary on the book of esther by matthew henry old. This shows the immense treasures in the hand of the. There are many surprises hidden in the book of esther, where things are not what they seem. Esther with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. David guzik commentary on esther 1, where queen vashti refuses to display her. The old testament library provides fresh and authoritative. Esther free bible commentary in easy english easyenglish bible. Students will gain an understanding of how over the ensuing centuries the. In the book of esther this information is casually presented as unimportant, but comes up later in the story. The book of esther reflects this idea, by referring to vashti as queen vashti 1.

The purpose of the book of esther is to display the providence of god, especially in regard to his chosen people, israel. Sleep is taken from ahasuerus at precisely the right time 6. She is chosen among the young women, and is placed under the care of hegai, the kings chamberlain, to go through a years. Well, i am greatly challenged, on some occasions, in all honesty, as you well know, to get through one verse. Most striking is the prediction by hamans wife that he would surely come to ruin because mordecai was a jew esther 6. This book and the book of ruth are the only ot books named after women. Esthers approach to dealing with the threat of hamans decree reiterated the true priority of the jew, and evoked gds reassertion of his singular providence. Do not think that because you are in the kings house you alone of all the jews will escape. Esther 1 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. A queen under control when esthers words were reported to mordecai, he sent back this answer. The basic background purim feast of dice the word purim means dice. Summary of the book of esther genuine leather bible. Study guide for esther 1 by david guzik blue letter bible.

Levensons book consists of two parts an introductory essay of 35 pages, followed by a linebyline commentary on the text of esther. In christian bibles the book of esther follows ezra and nehemiah because all three. Esther an orphan, an empty vessel is used through god s providence to preserve a whole nation. Esther commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Mordecai is brought into prominence at the right time 6. Esther 1 commentary old testament matthew henry st. Book of prophecy that reveals gods magnificent plan of salvation through the person and work of jesus christ. And this morning i made it through a whole chapter, and tonight well take a. Study the bible online using commentary on esther and more. G campbell morgan on the book of esther there is no situation in human.

A free bible version and commentary on the old testament book of esther in easy english. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the jews will arise from another place, but you and your fathers family will perish. Sent by couriers on horses, riding on steeds sired by. The book of esther is about a jewish girl adopted by her uncle, mordecai, after her parents died. Esther is the last of the historical books of the bible, so its main character is named esther that is, venus, the morning star, which sheds its light after all the other stars have ceased to shine, and while the sun still delays rising. Esther 1 introduces the reader to the main characters of the book of esther, and sets up the plot for this amazing story. The book of esther is read every year to the assembled congregations of the jewish people in their synagogues to the present day. I heard a story where a group of literature critics gathered monthly to read, analyze and critique various works of literature poems, plays, short stories and novels. Now in shushan the palace there was a certain jew, whose name was mordechai who had been carried away from jerusalem with the captivity which had been carried away with jeconiah king of judah, whom nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon had carried away esther 2. An interpretation of the dream that relates its features to the plot of the book is given in f.

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